Howdy Future Cowboys For Christ Cowboy/Cowgirl Chaplains,
Welcome to Cowboy Chaplains Of America.
Thank you for your interest in Cowboy Chaplains Of America, which is a department of Cowboys For Christ. Please know that your calling is from the FATHER, THE SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT, and it is an honor to have you desire to extend the reach of that calling to include the ministry of Cowboys For Christ. We have developed a Cowboy Chaplain Application Packet to assist you in your calling to serve the MOST HIGH GOD as you minister to Cowboys and Cowgirls.
It will truly be a joy to ride the dusty trails of the cowboy ministry with hard riding Gospel proclaiming workers for the KINGDOM OF GOD such as you. Each section of this packet is to help you develop a ministry or magnify the ministry work that you are now involved and prayerfully to expand into other areas that will prove to be a bountiful harvest for the LORD.
The office and work of a chaplain is very dear to my heart as I have been an ordained Senior Chaplain with IFOC (International Fellowship Of Chaplains) for over twelve years and I have also completed Level One CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) for hospital chaplaincy. I ask that each one truly spend time in prayer, study and seeking the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT as you go through each part of this website. The Cowboy Chaplains Of America website has been developed to give the new Cowboy/Cowgirl Chaplains the opportunity to continue to equip themselves as they serve. If there are any question or comments please contact me at any time. HEAVENLY FATHER, I pray that YOU bless each applicant with guidance, strength and anointing to receive the Way, the Truth and the Life from Cowboy Chaplains Of America that they will become all you would have them to be as a Cowboy or Cowgirl Chaplain for your Honor, Glory and Gainful service.
Dr. Dave Harvey, President